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DKS Group Human Rights Policy

We believe that respecting human rights is essential for the DKS Group (DKS Co. Ltd. and its group companies; hereafter referred to as the "DKS Group") to fulfill its social responsibilities and to realize our Company Credo "Contributing to the nation and society through industry." Based on this recognition, DKS Group has established the Code of Corporate Ethics and the Declaration of Actions by Officers and Employees, and is promoting initiatives to respect human rights.
To respect the human rights of all people affected by the DKS Group's business activities and fulfill its responsibilities, we hereby establish the DKS Group Human Rights Policy (hereinafter referred to as "this Policy") based on international norms regarding human rights.

1. Basic Approach to Human Rights

DKS Group recognizes that human rights are the most fundamental aspect of its business activities and respects the human rights of all people.
DKS Group supports and respects international human rights norms, including the International Bill of Human Rights, which stipulates the fundamental human rights that all nationals of all nations should enjoy, ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work of the International Labour Organization, and the ten principles set forth by the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC). Based on the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the Japanese Government Guidelines on Respecting Human Rights in Responsible Supply Chains, we have established this Policy and will promote efforts to respect human rights.

2. Scope of Application

This Policy applies to all officers and employees of the DKS Group (all employees including permanent employees, contract employees, and temporary employees). We also expect that our business partners (business partners and other parties directly involved in our business, products or services) involved in the DKS Group's corporate activities will understand and support this Policy, and encourage them to respect this Policy.

3. Human Rights Due Diligence

DKS Group will build a human rights due diligence mechanism based on the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the Guidelines on Respecting Human Rights in Responsible Supply Chains. DKS Group will then implement human rights due diligence to identify, prevent and mitigate negative impacts on human rights that are potential or have been manifested in the business activities of the DKS Group, to assess the effectiveness of its efforts and to explain and disclose information on how it has dealt with such impacts.
In the course of implementing human rights due diligence, if it becomes clear that its corporate activities have caused or encouraged negative impacts on human rights, DKS Group fulfills its responsibilities for respecting human rights by responding appropriately to corrections, taking mitigation measures, and by taking measures to prevent causing and/or encouraging similar negative impacts in the future. When it becomes clear that its business, products and/or services are directly related to negative impacts on human rights, even if its corporate activities do not cause and/or encourage such negative impacts, DKS Group will strive to prevent or mitigate such negative impacts by exerting influence on or providing support to companies that cause and/or encourage such negative impacts.

4. Remedy

If it becomes clear that the DKS Group has or encourages negative impacts on human rights, it will work on remedy through appropriate procedures. DKS Group will also enable appropriate remedy by establishing or participating in a complaint handling mechanism.

5. Dialogue

DKS Group engages in dialogue and consultation with relevant stakeholders to prevent and mitigate any negative impacts on human rights that have materialized or are potential.

6. Education

DKS Group will provide appropriate education to ensure that this Policy is correctly understood by officers and all employees and is entrenched in the business activities of the DKS Group.

7. Explanations and information disclosure

In order to explain its fulfillment of the responsibilities to respect human rights, DKS Group will disclose information on its efforts to respect human rights on its website.

This Policy was approved by the Board of Directors in December 2022.

December 26, 2022
YAMAJI Naoki, President COO
DKS Co. Ltd.