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Ever since its foundation in 1909, DKS has been conducting business based on the three corporate mottoes of Quality First, Cost Reduction and R&D Efforts. In an age when people are more and more interested in SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) by the United Nations and ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance)-driven management in the markets, our company credo—Contributing to the nation and society through industry—appears to be even more important. Can we bring happiness to our four stakeholders; namely, employees, shareholders, customers and society? We wish to be like the bluebird of happiness that brings people joy in the fairy tale. At the time of foundation, when Japan was in the middle of sudden and drastic modernization and industrialization, we created and launched a chemical agent that helps with the efficient spinning of silk yarn from cocoons. It was a silk unwinding agent, later named SILKREELER in English with an eye on the global market. We started out with a high spirit of Japanese craftsmanship. R&D Efforts are the driving force to realize Quality First and Cost Reduction. Our technology is the source of our growth.
As a chemical materials producer, we have obtained a reputation as a top industrial agent manufacturer. We have been working on developing technologies and products, aiming to be a “Uni-Top” (aim for the top through uniqueness) company which is appreciated for its originality. In 2018, we started life sciences-related businesses. Two companies have newly joined the DKS Group. One is a university-originated venture that has found a substance which is involved in activation of brain cells; and the other has strengths in plant extraction and powderization and is researching anti-obesity functions. The trends of business are transitioning from B2B (business-to-business) and B2C (business-to-consumer) to C2B (consumer-to-business). The fifth-generation mobile communications system (5G) will transform societies. We will further strengthen cooperation with what we call inspiring and inspired partners, i.e., significant and influential companies that understand the changing markets and lead demand. They are our true partners to develop new businesses.
As of April 2020, our new 5-year management plan, FELIZ 115, starts. Feliz means happy in Spanish. Being happy is to be excited. We wish to be a company that provides excitement and happiness to its workers. Each of the five letters in FELIZ respectively represents Future, Environment, Life, Innovation and Z-Flag, which as a whole comprises a message to our stakeholders, and they form the FELIZ Matrix, which will aid our aim to realize stable growth and enhance corporate value.
DKS has been selected as a Health & Productivity Stock every year since 2020 by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE). Now that we are heading toward our 115th anniversary in 2025, we will further promote happiness-driven management.
Thank you very much in advance for your continued support.
Chairman CEO SAKAMOTO Takashi
President COO YAMAJI Naoki