Disclaimer and Precautions
Before using our company's IR information, please carefully read and consent to the following Disclaimer and Precautions.
- The information listed on this website has been checked beforehand, but we make no guarantees regarding its accuracy or completeness. Please be aware that we will bear no responsibility whatsoever for any problems which arise due to downloading or otherwise using the posted information.
- Any of our companies current plans, strategies or convictions listed on this website which are not historical facts are forecasts relating to future performance etc., and include factors involving risk and uncertainty. Therefore, please be aware that actual performance may vary greatly from these forecasts due to a variety of factors, including general economic conditions, the product demand and market price situation, market competition and exchange rate fluctuations.
- None of the information on this website should be construed as recommending the purchase or sale of stock in DKS. Also, we make no guarantees whatsoever about the content of this website. Investment should be done at the discretion of the investor him or herself, after reading the financial data in the securities filings and other documents released by our company. Please be aware DKS and the information provider shall bear no responsibility in the unlikely event that there is an error in the provided information, or damages are otherwise incurred based on information posted on the website.