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Environmental Conservation Efforts

Consideration for the Environment

The Company states its environmental and safety philosophy as “contributing to the sustainable development and realization of happy societies by considering human health, safety and environmental preservation throughout the lifecycle of each product, from development to scrapping,” and promotes responsible care activities.

Long-Term Environmental Vision

In order to protect lifestyles and increase safety and comfort, DKS contributes to the realization of a sustainable society based on the idea that “chemistry provides a solution.” As we look to achieve carbon neutrality by the year 2050, we will reduce the Scope 1 and Scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions of the entire DKS Group in Japan by 30% by fiscal 2030, compared to fiscal 2013. In regard to the rate of final waste disposal, we will aim for zero emissions (0.1% or less) over the entire DKS Group in Japan by fiscal 2030.

Initiatives Based on GX Strategy

In March 2021, the Company devised green transformation (GX) strategies for moving toward carbon neutrality in 2030 and out to 2050. Starting in fiscal 2021, we have been shifting to a forecasting and analysis approach that is informed by these strategies. As we strengthen our current initiatives, we will also expand our targets to initiatives that take the sustainability of broader society into consideration.